PPW Home For The Holidays ()

1. Primal Fear (Adrien Soriano, Gabriel Hodder & Matthew Omen) vs. Chris Slade, Mantequilla & Raheem Royal 2. Havoc vs. Alec Odin 3. Killian McMurphy vs. Rembrandt vs. Griffin McCoy vs. Jayce Karr vs. Steven Fuerte vs. Timothy Theory (Golden Ticket Qualifying Lucha Rules Six Way Match) 4. Dani Mo & Notorious Mimi vs. Clara Carreras & Miranda Vionette 5. Action Andretti vs. Encore (Golden Ticket Qualifying Match) 6. The Trumpets Of Apocalypse (Lucius Krow & Phil Insane) vs. The Wild Boys (??? & ???) (Stretcher Tag Team Match) 7. Clutch Adams vs. Brando Lee (​Golden Ticket Qualifying Match) 8. Team JD Ruda (Dio Bando, Joey Martinez, Mr. Ruda, Trey Heat, Vee Marino & Vinny Mac) vs. Team PPW (Andy Header, Jimmy Konway, Johnny Moran, Luca Brazzi, TJ Masters & Trevor Kage) 9. Facade (c) vs. The Mecca (PPW Heavyweight Title Match)
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