France Acclaims Atlantic Flight Hero (1927)

There is a much longer version of this story on which may include cuts. Item title reads: “France acclaims Atlantic flight hero. Amazing scenes as crowd go frantic with delight on arrival of Captain Lindbergh after 33 and a half hours flight from New York.“ Le Bourget, Paris French and US flags are draped outside a window, and three men appear. One is flight hero, Lindbergh, and another steps up to call for hip hip hooray (same cheer in France). Cars arrive outside a building and then the US flag is seen in front of a window. M/S street scene with police and crowds. ’Spirit of St. Louis - Lindbergh stands in front of the plane . M/S plane nose on - crowds around, followed by side shots of the propeller in motion. Lindbergh nods and poses for the camera. L/S as crowds press forward in street - dark shots - night - people running (could be war or some kind of flight from danger) a mass of people are seen - picked up in beams of a search light - a man climbs a pole. Note: item title miss
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