STAR WARS: REVITALIZED - Chapter III - The Invaders

Luke Skywalker and Han Solo discover the true purpose of the Ssi-ruuk as Governor Nereus sets his plans in motion. Meanwhile, Madine recruits Kyle Katarn and Hera Syndulla to rescue Lando Calrissian. WRITTEN BY LORD KRIT REWRITES BY D TYLER FULTZ AND MELA Braden Worton as Luke Skywalker Jack Vickers as Han Solo Thea Solone as Leia Organa Mirian Morton as Hera Syndulla LukeTehVA as Crix Madine Sharon Grunwald as Mon Mothma Jesse Nicoli as C-3PO D. Tyler Fultz as Thrawn Jack Mack as Pallaeon Knick-Knack as Brendol Hux Craig Hanon as Kyle Katarn Arkham as Governor Nereus Georgie Donn as Senator Captison Quinn Ford as Pter Thanas CharlieLoneWolf as Stormtrooper Captain DISCLAIMER: This fan film is non-profit and is not intended for commercial use. Star Wars is owned by Lucasfilm Ltd. / Walt Disney Co. This machinima is in no way associated with the aforementioned companies. Star Wars was created by George Lucas
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