How to set the optimal input level for amp sim plugins!

Up to date version of the table with values here: Apologies for the boring nature of this video. Often the most boring subjects are the most overlooked, and its commonly things that can make a huge difference to how we use this gear. This is a subject that isn’t really discussed much, and getting accurate numbers from developers can be a challenge in itself. Big love and respect to the companies who’ve responded to my approaches and been really helpful. Some companies don’t want to offer any values (they just say dial it in to what sounds good to you), which isn’t a position I agree with (I feel like its important for an emulation plugin to give an accurate response to using the real gear). I hope over time this information becomes more readily available and better understood, because developers and users all benefit. Please understand - I am not saying this is the only way to use amp sims and any other way is wrong. I ABSOLUTELY believe in going with whatever sounds best, whether its accurate or not. But I also think that if you know what the correct level is (as in the level its designed to be used with) then you can always adjust for more or less level beyond there. If you are just guessing from the start, you could be using the models in a totally unrealistic range (kind of like stacking boost or attenuation pedals before the amp without knowing). This knowledge takes NOTHING away and only gives you more to work with for a better experience. Hope everyone finds this helpful, and please leave any questions below.
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