Absurd - Die Freiheitskämpfer

Absurd is one of the best-known black metal and pagan metal bands in Germany. The band was originally founded in Sondershausen by Hendrik Möbus (also known as - on the circuit and later on official Compact Cassette and later CD liner notes - as Randall Flagg / Jarl Flagg Nidhögg / JFN) and Sebastian Schauseil in 1992, with a third member, Andreas Kirchner, joining at a later stage. The band achieved infamy because its (original) members (now no longer in the band since 1999) murdered the 15-year-old Sandro Beyer in 1993. According to mainstream press and the “Lords of Chaos“ book, reasons for killing local schoolmate Sandro Beyer (15 years old) were because Beyer was hanging around the boys and followed them without realising the members of Absurd were ridiculing him and wanted nothing to do with him. Beyer later left Absurd alone, but then began writing slander and speaking against the satanic acts Absurd was participating in to local school authorities and community residents. A fina
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