[CS 1.6] coreUPT360* H’n’S - Farewell
Leet skin, nades&knife:
Yo guys !! Hi friends !!
- Well i don’t know if you know but the 14/07/12 i make one movie called
“ No Return “ Made by ^Electro, she had to be my last video because i have move to kz
but get boring fast if kz, when i see the skill what you need for Xtrem-Jumps
then i started to play KZFR but i quited fast after some records.
Well, this is the really farewell for CS and not only HNS or KZ, i have some new project now
only few people know it ;) i hope i will be able to share you via youtube in some months.
I’ll share you link of my steam profils where i put every video of me and every greetings, with
one comment next to every nick’s.
Guys it was so awesome to play with you and thank’s again !
You can post comment i read every comment’s (:
I QUIT THE 31/12/13 and not before ! (:
I hope you have enjoy the movie as i
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2 weeks ago 00:02:55 1
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