Solitude on the Red Dunes - 8 Hour Sleep / Study Mix, Dark Ambient

All my Projects: Ghost Failure: Death on Cassette: Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse: also on Hour version: Short film featuring my music: Clearwater by Rob Jabbaz - Check out my friend Forgotten Dawn’s channel: Check out the Unexplained Sounds Channel: @UnexplainedSounds G.M. Danielson’s Dark Ambient project, AstroCrypt Atmospheres: Somngreu’s Dark Ambient Folk: An instagram of his art: Also check out BleakFlavor’s dark ambient music: Recommended Authors: Thomas Ligotti H P Lovecraft Mark Samuels Stefan Grabiński Edgar Allen Poe Donald Wandrei William Hope Hodgson Brian Evenson Georg Trakl (Poet) Junji Ito (Manga) M.R. James (Fan Recommended) Readings & narrations with my music:: Lets Read: Savage Bites: G M Danielson: Scott Hurr: Monsters Among Us Podcast: Papa Scare: Creepy Face: Sound Fiction: Dark Echoes: Zbigniew Oporski, whose art has been featured on my channel: Games featuring my music: No More Light The Overlap: The Abyss: Half-Life Delta Mod: Ravenheim Studio: Exalted Seracthon Some writers who have used my music for inspiration: Vaz Anzai: Dallas Spires: Heat Signature Films, which uses my music:
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