Fantasmagorie 1908 4K-ish HD restoration. FIRST cartoon animation ever. Émile Cohl. 1st

Restoration of Fantasmagorie, created in 1908 by Émile Cohl, and commonly held to be the first animated cartoon. It consists of a stick figure enduring a series of bizarre transformations. These transformations were somewhat reminiscent of those in earlier forms of animation appearing in flip books, magic lanterns, etc. Cohl was a caricaturist inspired by his participation in the Incoherent movement which had collapsed 20 years prior to the creation of Fantasmagorie. The Incoherent movement embraced absurdism, found art and the art of children, all of which left their mark on the stick figure transformations of Fantasmagorie. Cohl attempted to give Fantasmagorie the look of chalkboard drawings by double exposing the 700 drawings that made up the animation. This gave it a distinct white on black look. It was convincing enough to fool some who would emulate his style with actual drawings on chalkboards. The influence of Cohl can be seen all throughout animation in the dawn and adolescence of
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