Booping Your Fursonas

Foofi Boops people. Thats it. That’s the entire video. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ART CREDITS Thumbnail art by OliveCow Foofi Booping drawings by: Original Tweet: (Here you should find all other drawings in the replies.) Music Used: Morning Mood by Grieg. Huge thank you to all Patreons! TOP DONOS: Schottky, Prime Succ, NotFish GodBoopers: Morgenstern, Akeloes, Beta Gadgets, Swode, Rocky Harmony, Glitchdetector, Max, Chad Escuridao, MrFlowArt, Nezro_Mightyroc, Volraan Zebric, Aukina Venandi, Melty, Kyrrix, Dismalship787, Gow13510, Ryazon, Lazy Wolf, Skyla, Sunlitwolf, Tsunaki189, Bappity, Steamworks, Auto the Dragon, Aron Eden, Foxysfirstmate24, Verulq BigBoopers: Dallo, Zenko Kasai, AndreNYH Ryf, Simon Geswin, FoxinuhhBox, InftronicGaming, Sairus_Borg, MadDonkeyKid, Sunset Fox, Skeptosaurus, Nightfallcall, Jaxis_Th
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