Cute Dog Portrait Painting in Acrylic [ JUST 5 COLORS NEEDED ] Acrylic Painting Tutorial on Canvas

Subscribe: In this Dog portrait painting tutorial, I have used only 5 basic colors to achieve the likeliness of the fur. I have shown the details techniques of my color mixing process side by side in a vertical palette. I am using a vertical palette to show the painting and color mixing process while I am doing painting side by side. I have started this painting with Burnt Umber to sketch the initial outlines of the subject. Then proceeding with multiple layers of paint slowly adding one by one. Acrylic paint usually dries very fast. To overcome this challenge I am using a fine mist of water to keep the paint moist longer. In this painting, I am not using any retarder of any kind. I have applied many thin layers to achieve the desired effect of the skin tone. I am not trying to achieve much detail in this painting. But the essence of likeliness. Thanks for watching it. More real-time videos on Acrylic portrait painting
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