
村里离镇上的集市有点远,赶在年前,做些小零食屯着,以前奶奶和妈妈都会自己做些糖,传统的糖品都是大量的油和糖混合的,热量很高,但是到了过年的时候就会特别想念这种甜甜的味道,辛劳一年,做些小零食奖励自己,过年不能只有大鱼大肉,还要有甜食~也提前祝大家新年快乐! ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. The distance between our village and the market is quite long. So I decided to make some snacks myself before Chinese New Year. Grandma and my mom used to make candies themselves. These traditional treats are usually a mixture of lots of oil and sugar and are high in calorie. Nevertheless, I can’t help but miss the sweetness during the holidays. After a year’s hard work, I’d like to treat myself with some snacks. There’s more than fish and meat during the holidays, sweet snacks are a must-have as well. I’d like to wish everyone a happy Chinese New Year in advance. 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,如果你喜欢我的视频,请持续关注我的频道, 我会在不同的
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