Frederic Lamond (1868-1948): Liszt - Liebestraum no.3

Frederic Lamond was another of Liszt’s pupils from the 1880s. He was born in Glasgow, like his fellow student Eugen d’Albert. Unlike his fellow Liszt students who made records, Lamond made a speciality in the music of Beethoven (with an almost equal enthuisiam for Brahms), and recorded most of the piano sonatas. For around 50 years he was regarded as the greatest interpreter of Beethoven’s piano music, and before Schnabel made his complete recording of the sonatas, Lamond’s records were the benchmark. He did, however, also record the music of other composers, and laid down a good number of tracks by his teacher, Liszt. This recording of Liszt’s famous Liebestraum was made in 1936.
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