This is Part 40 of our complete application in Spring Boot (FleetMS version 2). In this part, we are going to be create a nice Angular application to server as a UI for our Fleet MS. We would also create a REST API from the existing Controller.
Step by Step to Create the Angular UI -
00:10 - What is a Structured Monolith?
02:10 - Setup the API Package and RestController Method
04:29 - Test the REST API
05:02 - Create a new Angular application using ng new
07:39 - Serve up and test the Angular application using ng serve
09:45 - Install Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, Angular Material and NgBootstrap
11:09 - Create the Home and Country Component
12:15 - Setup the Home and Country Routes
15:57 - Setup the Templates and Styles
18:40 - Write the Code to Fetch Data from the API using HttpClient
21:00 - Test the the Angular UI Fetched some Countries data
22:00 - Debug and using @CrossOrigin annotation to allow external urls