Statement on Otaco Bunny

Link to doc: CW / TW: verbal & emotional abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, s*icide threats, r*pe situation, NSFW (blurred), misconduct with minors Hi everyone. Jaye here. I’m making this video to spread awareness about a document I created to defend myself from accusations being spread around by my ex, Otaco Bunny. It also details how she emotionally abused me, manipulated me, and how she is attempting to manipulate others into believing her lies (friends, family, fans). I’ll be deleting this video within a few days or so, however you’ll be able to find my post about it on my YouTube community tab, and my Twitter. The document is roughly 60 pages, detailing her abuse of me as well as me defending myself from the allegations. (200 screenshots of proof & statements from others involved) You may have also noticed I removed many of my videos which involved her. I will also not be using her characters or writing anymore. I am not associated with her at all anymore. Please respect this. Thank you to everyone who remained neutral and waited for my statement. Thank you for reading. Please do not harass Bunny. I cannot stress that enough. I want to move on from this situation as quickly as possible and move on with my life. I also hope she grows and stops hurting people, but attacking her won’t help that process at all. I understand being angry or frustrated at her. But harassing or going out of your way to insult her is counterproductive in every way. Leave her alone, please. To everyone who reached out to me about this, I appreciate your messages. However, I’d like to ask that you don’t contact me to ask about further information. I kindly request to not have anyone pry or talk about the situation extensively towards me. For my own wellbeing, I want to move on from this and continue to have my privacy be respected. Thank you.
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