Future World map

“The New Age movements of the 1980’s and 90’s brought an alternative spirituality for many, bringing with it new beliefs with some old roots, and also some new leaders and shamanic type prophets. These prophets filled the roles that the ancients did before them supplying supernatural insights to what was coming. Gordon Michael Scallion, an electronics consultant from New Hampshire speaks of the onset of intense dreams, then daytime visions which would illustrate to him the coming changes which were coming to the earth due to mankind’s technologies and mismanagement of earth. He began to predict many phenomena and felt confirmed in their occurrence. In time he began to publish maps showing the specific catastrophic changes coming, by producing maps. Here are two of his biggest works, his U.S. and World maps showing the new landscape and full of annotations about how things would happen. These are two extremely rare pieces of 20th-century cultural cartography.“ (Curtis Bird, 2021) Polar shifts and weather patterns will change the geography of the world as we know it. Here is a breakdown of what that could be. Check out my Amazon survival store,
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