Protein | Secondary structures | Percentage composition

The two most common secondary structures within a protein are alpha helixes, and beta-sheets. However, remember that there are multiple types of alpha helixes and beta-sheets, and all have slightly different properties. Overall, alpha helixes and beta sheets are in approximately equal amounts. Anything not regarded as an alpha helix or a beta sheet is typically referred to as a “irregular structure“. This can include random coil, coil structures, Beta-hairpin turns, in addition to a seemingly infinite number of unnamed structures. Overall, there is as much irregular structure as beta sheet and alpha helix within a protein, and the correct answer is 33% for all three. Key words--------------------------------------------------------------------- What is the percent composition of alpha helix, beta sheet, and irregular structure within a typical protein? A) Alpha helix: 50% Beta sheet: 25% Irregular structure: 25% B) Alpha helix: 25% Beta sheet: 25% Irregular structure: 50% C) Alpha helix: 33% Beta sheet: 33% Irregular structure: 33% D) Alpha helix: 25% Beta sheet: 50% Irregular structure: 25% E) Alpha helix: 49.5% Beta sheet: 49.5% Irregular structure: 1% #alphaHelix #aminoAcid #polypeptide #oligopeptide #hydrogenBond #helix #proline #saltBridges #ionicBridges #betasheets #irregularStructures #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #protein #peptide #disulfideBridges #covalentBounding #ionicBounding #hydrophobicInteraction #proteinStructure #proteinSequence #proteinFolding #aminoAcids #proteins #condensationSynthesis #peptides #globularProteins #fibrousProteins #Genetics
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