HIYA! Here is the full live show merveilles l’espace, by MALICE MIZER, in HD 1080p and 60FPS. This upload has much more video and audio quality than the last one, and it contains the entire show & the bonus feature at the end. Enjoy this glorious show!
This amazing live showcases MALICE MIZER in its full glory, and each song & performance is amazing in its own right. It’s also an extremely varied concert full of theatrical elements, and a lot of different genres and emotions. Some highlights are the GACKT & Kami piano/drums duet, the Le ciel ending act and masterpieces from the merveilles album such as Bel air, au revoir, and Gekka no yasoukyoku. And of course so much more.
It starts off with a bang, with S-CONSCIOUS, which also happens to be my least favourite song from the album. But with all of its brutality, it’s a really fitting way to start the concert and make you excited for what’s to come.
マリスミゼル 「メルヴェーユ・レスパス」 フルライブ
00:00 - Intro
01:30 - Bois de merveilles
11:21 - Mezame no rasen / 目醒めの螺旋
15:11 - ~de merveilles
16:31 - Syunikiss~nidome no aitou~ / Syunikiss~二度目の哀悼~
20:47 - Gekka no yasoukyoku / 月下の夜想曲
24:30 - Bel Air~kuuhaku no toki no naka de~ / ヴェル・エール~空白の瞬間の中で~
29:39 - Aegen / Egée~sugisarishi kaze totomo ni~ / エーゲ~過ぎ去りし風と共に~
34:28 - Hamon / Kyousoukyoku / 波紋 / 協奏曲 (GACKT & Kami solo)
44:27 - →>>8<<← (Yu~ki solo)
49:03 - Gekka no yasoukyoku de l’image / 月下の夜想曲 de l’image
49:40 - Ju te veux
54:18 - Brise
59:09 - au revoir
1:04:55 - Le ciel
1:12:41 - Kyrie from Maurice Duruflé’s Requiem
1:16:29 - Ending credits / Bois de merveilles
1:18:26 - Photo gallery / Le ciel ~空白の彼方へ~ (Instrumental) / Bois de merveilles
If you’re wondering why I upload this once again, here’s the story.
Recently I uploaded Gekka no Yasoukyoku / 月下の夜想曲, as a seperate video from this show, and while talking to commenters of that video, especially Tony Oik I realised how it would be a great idea to upload this entire show again, since I am very unhappy with the current upload I have of this.
That other upload, while it does have good quality, could have been much better, both visually, and the audio. About the audio of that upload, it has occasional skips that really bother me. As you may have noticed, that upload also doesn’t contain ILLUMINATI and Mezame no rasen / 目醒めの螺旋, partly due their vi0l3nt and s3xu4l nature, and also partly because these songs are right at the beginning, and could give a wrong impression of the band to newcomers.
I have decided to put my personal bias aside of these two tracks, and just upload the live fully because they really are an important and integral part of the experience, and most people enjoy them very much.
If you want to show this concert to newcomers, but not give a wrong impression, the other upload is still there already, so no need to censor this one!
Also, this upload here has been upgraded to a very smooth 60FPS, by filling in the extra frames with calculated movements inbetween.
The ending of this live has a classical requiem, the one of composer Maurice Duruflé. But the copyright holders of that original recording have decided to mute every upload on YouTube that contains it, while MALICE MIZER has nothing to do with it. As a result of that, if you try to upload the original DVD on YouTube, it gets muted. So as with the previous upload, the requiem at the end has been replaced by another performance of it, with cheering sounds I edited over it, to resemble the original audio. This time I did it much better than with the previous upload, it has less skips and better sound mixing.
Also, I added the image gallery at the end, it’s a bonus feature from the DVD. I myself put the two songs over it to accompany the images, because in the original, it constantly looped the same part of Bois de merveilles, which can get annoying after the ending credits which have the exact same song lol. Le ciel instrumental seemed like a perfect fit for it.
Anyway, I worked really hard on this upload, because this live is just beyond amazing! And it really deserves a perfect video online for everyone to enjoy.
Thanks to Cassio, Maddy, Mizerilia, Andrea, Helena, Vlad, Anastasia and my sister for helping me choose a thumbnail! I had so many screenshots I couldn’t choose, hehe!
DVD title: merveilles ~shuuen to kisuu~ l’espace
DVD title (Japanese): merveilles~終焉と帰趨~l’espace
Artist (Japanese): マリスミゼル
DVD release date: March 30, 2002 (Earlier on VHS)
Catalog number: COBA-4162
Label: Nippon Columbia
Vocal: GACKT
Guitar: Mana
Guitar: Közi
Bass: Yu~ki
Percussion: Kami
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4 months ago 00:04:52 1
MALICE MIZER - au revoir PV (1st edition) [1080p HD]