Fancy - Slice Me Nice (HD Remastered)

Written by Todd Canedy Composed, produced by Fancy VHS Rip: Deinterlaced, cropped, color corrected, upscaled. Due to YouTube compression, background noise may occur, especially in darker frames. VHS from my private collection. Premiere video in this quality. All rights of the music go to the current owner, I do not own any rights. This video was uploaded for entertainment purposes only, as a keepsake for the community and for all who love this music. In the summer of 1983, Fancy produced a four-track demo of tinged La syllables, which he then played to Todd Canedy in the US. Todd wrote him the dirty, satirical lyrics that we know and celebrate to this day. Anthony Monn soon invited Fancy to finish producing the song in his studio - to save money. Just like Anthony Monn, the Intersong publishing company’s presidents liked Fancy’s first title as well and signed him to Metronome Records within 24 hours. In the future Metronome released all his singles and LPs in Germany unti
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