IELTS Live Class - Score 9 Speaking Part 3 Shopping for Food

IELTS SPEAKING PART 3 Let’s talk about shopping for food. What are some of the most common types of foods that people purchase around the world? Why do you think these kinds of foods are readily available? Do you think that groceries will become more expensive or cheaper in the next five years? Why? How have grocery stores changed in the last 20 years? Do you think they will continue to change in the future? Many people are concerned about the increasing amount of genetically modified foods in stores. Why is this? Some people feel that grocery stores should be responsible for offering healthy foods to the public. Do you agree with this? And, how can grocery stores do this? Get all of our IELTS speaking videos at This video is an IELTS speaking section interview questions, answers, and strategies. This playlist teaches important strategies for IELTS speaking interviews. Follow us on Facebook at This video is a part
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