“Le temps libre” - Talking about free time in French - Coffee Break French To Go Episode 10

What do you like doing in your free time? In this episode of Coffee Break French To Go, Pierre-Benoît asks the question, “Qu’est-ce que tu fais pendant ton temps libre ?“ (informal) or “Qu’est-ce que vous faites pendant votre temps libre ?“ (formal). You can use the answers of our interviewees to help you learn how to talk about what you do in your free time in French. In the first part of the video, watch the interviews without subtitles and try to understand. In the second part of the video, we’ve provided subtitles in French at the top of the screen. You can choose to turn on subtitles in English using the Subtitles/CC button. In this first series of Coffee Break French To Go, Pierre-Benoît is in the town of Pornic, in the west of France, and in each episode she’ll ask passers-by one question. Of course, that one question will result in many answers, and it’s through these answers that you can practise your French and build your vocabulary.
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