🔴 The whole world pray for Algeria..!! A massive flood destroyed the Capital!

The whole world pray for Algeria..!! A massive flood destroyed the Capital! Torrential rains caused several areas in Algeria to be hit by very severe flash floods on Thursday. Flooding hit northern Algeria, including Oued Meknassa in Kolea, Tipaza, and the Port of Khemisti (Bousmail). In Khemisti, at least 3 people died as a result of the flash floods. Civil Protection has recorded numerous interventions in various parts of the country. Itu had intervened at several state levels, including Algeria, Tipaza and Tebessa. The severe floods that hit Algeria came after more than two months of drought. #flood #flashflood #algeria #climatechange #globalwarming #news #naturaldisaster #weather #storm #hailstorm #typhoon #earthquake #floodnews #floodtoday #floodwarning #mothernature #geological #rain This channel contains about: natural disaster, mother nature, flood, flash flood, earthquake, strong wind, geological emergency, hydrological emergency, meteorological emergency, climatological emergency, mudslides, wave, tide, volcano eruption, volcano, storm, blizzard, snow fall, winter storm, snowstorm, climate change, tornado, typhoon, hurricane, landslide, moving ground, tsunami, weather forecast, hailstorm, cyclone, sand storm, dust storm, tropical storm, fire, hail, thunderstorm, natural phenomenon, lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, Most of the Cover Images/thumbnails in this channel are for illustration purposes only. All videos are taken from open sources. Selection is based on publication date, title, description and location of the incident. The video may contain frames that do not match the date and place. It is not always possible to view all videos. We apologize for any possible errors! Please understand and thank you. My personal page on Instagram :
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