IONIQxBTS - IONIQ: Im On it (Lyric video)

The #HyundaiIONIQ empowers you to live life your own way, in an eco-friendly way. Download our new #BrandMusic ‘IONIQ: I’m On it’ at 7:00 pm KST 🔗 #IONIQxBTS #Lyrics: [Jung Kook] IONIQ, IONIQ, IONIQ, IONIQ, IONIQ, IONIQ [V] When I look into your eyes all I see is you filling my mind 새로운 만남들은 나를 충전해 [Jung Kook] Though I bump into something new possibility 어떤 날 발견할지 두근대 [RM] Full energy, higher esteem better focus on what’s charging me 가끔 길을 잃을
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