Tai Chi Tui Shou Training 太极推手教学

Martin Neumann (student of Master Fernando Chédel, the lineage holder of Ma Tsun Kuen Tai Chi Chuan, ) and Giles Rosbander give an insight into their practice and teaching of Tui Shou. This is not a ’self-defence’ video. It shows some of our training and teaching in the tuishou/pushing- hands segment of Tai Chi Chuan, ranging from basic structures and skills through fixed patterns and onward to free play and tuishou-based applications. This is just ’one slice of the Tai Chi Chuan cake’, although in our opinion one that is relevant and useful both for solo practice (basics, forms) and for fighting and awareness skills. In one section of this video (5:01) the Chinese terms ’ting’, ’hua’, ’na’ und ’fa’ are used. This can here be taken to mean: ’hear’, ’neutralize’, ’seize’ and ’issue force’. For current classes and upcoming seminars please go to (Martin) or www.
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