Friday Freakout: Skydiver Has Pilot Chute In Tow, Two-Out & Parachute Caught Around Feet
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*** What happened ***
This wingsuiter deployed their main canopy around 4,000 ft and had a pilot chute in tow for 9 seconds. The pilot chute got caught in the the wingsuit burble, did a loop, tied itself off, effectively killing itself and preventing a normal deployment. Once he realized the main wouldn’t deploy he went straight to his reserve parachute, which is when things got a little messy. The reserve had some line twists, then the main deployed as well and got entangled around his feet! The jumper cutaway the main, took some time getting it untangled from his feet, and once the main flew away he cleared the reserve line twists around 1,800 feet.
*** Why did it happen ***
Weak Pitch
This whole incident probably boils down to the way the jumper pi