“Please Open The Door“ | Léon: The Professional (Jean Reno, Natalie Portman)

When Mathilda returns with the groceries she was sent to buy and notices the carnage, she calmly continues down the hallway past the open door of her family’s apartment, and receives sanctuary from a reluctant Léon. One of the agents looks at Mathilda, quizzingly, as she has to insistently ring the bell on and on before Léon lets her in… | Buy or rent Léon: The Professional here: Léon, the top hit man in New York, has earned a rep as an effective “cleaner“. But when his next-door neighbors are wiped out by a loose-cannon DEA agent, he becomes the unwilling custodian of 12-year-old Mathilda. Before long, Mathilda’s thoughts turn to revenge, and she considers following in Léon’s footsteps. © Sony Pictures
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