How to Use Compression (10-Hour Course)

Get the free resources and cheat sheets that go with the course: Welcome to my comprehensive 10-hour guide on mastering the art of audio compression! In this video I’ll walk you through the ins and outs of using a compressor like a pro, sharing all the techniques and secrets that professional engineers use in their day-to-day workflow. From understanding the basics to mastering advanced techniques, this video is your one-stop shop for all things compression. Here are the chapters: Intro 0:00:00 What Is A Compressor? 0:01:25 Why Do We Need Compression? (The Four Goals) 0:03:52 What is Dynamic Range (The Peaks and Valleys of Sound) 0:13:40 What Does Compression Sound Like? 0:24:44 Wrapping Up (Compression Big Ideas) 0:31:45 Why Can’t I Hear Compression? 0:33:40 Anatomy Of A Compressor (Overview) 0:40:59 Threshold and Ratio 0:53:54 Attack and Release 1:06:56 Makeup Gain 1:21:22 Sidechain 1:28:19 Knee, Range, Hold, and Lookahead 1:37:18 Putting It All Together 1:55:44 Wrapping Up (Anatomy of a Compressor) 2:08:33 The Main Styles of Compression 2:10:20 How to Set Up Your Compressor 2:13:40 How to Make an Instrument “Consistent“ 2:19:51 How to Make an Instrument “Thick“ 2:41:47 How to Make an Instrument “Punchy“ 2:53:45 How to Make an Instrument “Groove“ 3:05:44 How to Create “Depth“ 3:21:59 How to Create “Headroom“ 3:37:52 How to Turn Down “Room Sound“ 3:52:04 Using The Styles to Achieve the 4 Goals of Compression 3:59:24 What Does Over-Compression Sound Like? 4:14:18 How to Compress ANY Instrument 4:35:44 Wrapping Up (Styles of Compression) 4:53:35 How Fast Are Peaks? 4:54:45 How to Use Serial Compression 5:06:43 How to Use Parallel Compression 5:23:05 How to Use Sidechain Compression 5:41:46 Over vs. Under Compression 5:53:57 How to Know if a Compressor is Helping 6:06:51 Wrap Up (Essential Tips and Tricks) 6:11:07 How to Compress an ENTIRE Mix (Overview) 6:12:33 Phase 1 - Pre-Mix 6:16:20 Phase 2 - Mix Bus 6:45:12 Phase 3 - Balance 7:02:26 Phase 4 - Glue 7:16:43 Phase 5 - Enhance 7:34:28 Phase 6 - Fix 7:51:14 Limiting Your Mix (Mastering) 8:01:57 Analog-ing Your Mix (Saturation) 8:16:03 Where Should I Place My Compressor? 8:42:10 How do I Compress the Low End? 8:51:11 Why Is Compression Making My Home Recordings Sound Worse? 9:01:25 How Do I Compress Different Genres? 9:15:38 What are the Common Analog Compressors? 9:26:10 Recap - The Peak and Valley Technique 9:38:32 Outro 10:01:37
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