Yeah. I’ve suddenly remembered this game. And suddenly I got really addicted to its ’Build’ feature. This concept was in my head for quite a while, so I tried to make it real with tools I had. This project is still under development, so I might update this stage in the future.
This is a theme park-themed stage (no pun intended), and it suppose to be Toyman’s stage. I’ll explain why level does look like this and what there should’ve been instead of certain elements. Be sure to watch this video before continuing reading.
The beginning of this stage is the road before this park’s entrance. Ga
...tchapons (those two big red robots with big eyes that shoot projectiles at you) are here to reflect toy cranes. Spinning wheels with platforms were a bunch of carousels and ferris wheels originally, but here they are just a bunch of ferris wheels (I did put ladders just to show this, not to actually let the player climb on them XD). Small building after ferris wheels is trampoline section and a rooftop of this building has ventilation. Next is elevator... but because I don’t like the only actually fuctioning elevator of this game, I decided to get rid of it, make elevator shaft itself look broken and let the player use Jet Adaptor. I should’ve put it as an pick-up item like I did with Flash Bomb (which is just an optional item that probably might make your life easier), but it’s too late, sadly. If you ever gonna try this stage out, use the Adaptor only in this place. Next is a roller coaster. Really slow roller coaster, ’cause limitations. And I’m really sorry for malfunction of the roller coaster itself as sometimes player can fall off it. After this, there’s a big castle full of toys, trampolines and... more toys (or pools of water that suppose to be pools full of toys and rubberballs). A Tama (big cat robot) bloking the path suppose to be a mid-boss and Toyman’s helper in form of a robot teddie-bear. After this part, I shorten this castle a little, because my PC started to lag like a madman, so don’t ask why there’s a mid-boss nearby the end of the level. And a boss room has a huge throne on which Topman (which suppose to be Toyman) was sitting while waiting for the player.
And birds in this stage are here just to ruin your day.
This video was made for people that can’t play in this game. That’s all.
Oh, right. You’re asking “who the hell is Toyman?“
Here. The description is a bit old, but I don’t think it’s a big problem:Show more