Far Cry - Volcano (Вулкан), уровень #20

Прохождение игры Far Cry, уровень №20 - Volcano (Вулкан) 📢 Полное прохождение игры Far Cry 1 2004 FIX ошибки текстур - FIX ошибки Critical Exception - Русификаторы (подходят для любой версии) - Сохранения, сейвы - Скриншоты - FAQ по игре, проблемы и их решение - The finale is close, and it seems to smell of fried. It’s time to find and deal, finally, with the maniac scientist. Go through the hall with holograms and shoot all the guards, you can open the door. Behind her you will be greeted by a greatly changed Craiger. Now he looks like a cross between a terminator, a robocop and a bodybuilder punctured by anabolic steroids. Valerie, in a semi-conscious state, is lying quietly by the wall. Chop everyone into cabbage, finish off Craiger and watch a movie: the mutant scientist will say his last words, Jack will take Val to the ship, and he will go to kick Doyle’s ass. Take the elevator upstairs, go down the corridor and click on the two consoles at the massive doors. Exit to the platform above the small lava lake. Move to the other side, press the console there to activate the elevator. On this elevator, at the foot of the platform, go upstairs and walk along the bridge to the north, then up the stairs. In the control room, finish off Doyle and watch the final cutscene. Jack will recover, inject the antidote to Valerie, who will immediately feel better. The two of them on a yacht will sail away from the nightmare island, over which columns of smoke from explosions and conflagrations will bubble up. Val will finally take a look at the next chair, where documents and discs concerning the secret project “Far Cry“ are ... Something still survived. End. 🔥🔥🔥
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