DEFENCE / POLITICS: Winston Churchill arrives home from meeting with President Roosevelt (1942)
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Prior to rousing welcome at Paddington Mr Churchill crosses Atlantic in flying boat.
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SLATE INFORMATION: Premier at Home to Thorny Problems
Bermuda: AV of Bermuda. CU pilot Capt. Kelly Rogers at controls in British Airways Flyingboat - a 4-engine Boeing. SV Churchill in Flyingboat. AV of coastline. SV Rogers talking to BV of Churchill at controls. SCU Rogers talking to Churchill at controls. CU Churchill at controls - turns round. AV of clouds. LV INT. of Flyingboat - Churchill at controls. CU Churchill at controls. AV of clouds. CU Churchill at controls.
England: Churchill Returns Home From Seeing Roosevelt - Arrives at Paddington Station & Is Greeted by Mass Crowd and Mrs. Churchill. Paddington St. London, England GV train arriving in crowded station - Mrs. Churchill runs along platform to Mr. C