North Sea Exercises AKA North Sea Naval+ Air Exercises (1948)

North Sea / Firth of Forth, Scotland (Royal Air Force) and Royal Navy exercises and manoeuvres in the North Sea. LS and MS RAF briefing on harbour wall. CU Meteorological instruments for measuring wind-speed . CU. . and naval exercises in the North Sea. CU. Wake of ’Sunderland’ flying boat taking off. (2 shots). MS ’Sunderland’ at mooring position. MS Launch passing ’Sunderland’ aircraft. (3 shots). Aircrew tender taking crew to planes. MS Port wing tip and float of airborne ’Sunderland’. LS Aerial view of submarine crash diving. CU Aircraft wing in flight - showing the nacelle of port outer-engine. LS Aerial view of destroyer at speed. (4 shots). LS Aircraft carrier (HMS Implacable) at sea. Destroyer following in wake. (3 shots). LS Rock-bound coast. (4 shots). LS Aerial view of battle-class cruiser at speed. LS Launch wake, passing ’Sunderland’ at mooring base. MS Aircraft dropping smoke-float pyrotechnics, for assessing drift on aircraft. MS Aerial view of battle cruis
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