How to Construct CONSENSUS Phylogenetic Trees

A consensus tree method takes a collection of phylogenetic trees and outputs a single “representative” tree. The first consensus method was proposed by Adams in 1972. Since then a large variety of different methods have been developed, and there has been considerable debate over how they should be used. A consensus method sum- marises a collection of trees without boiling everything down to one measure or number. Fundamentally, it is nothing more than a function or algorithm that takes a collection of trees (on the same set of taxa) and returns a single tree (on the same set of taxa). Most methods identify common substructures in the input trees and represent these in the output tree. #MolecularClock #GeneCkock #evolutionaryClock #PrincipleOfParsimony #phylogenicTree #outgroups #ingroup #Homology #Homoplasy #cladogram #Phylogram #domain #kingdom #phylum #Class #genus #ScientificNames #taxonomicHierarchy #species #phyliogeneticTree #Evolution #speciation #diagram #branchingInAPhylogeneticTree #Genetics #bilology #taxonomy #populationGenetics #hawaiiIslands #founderEffect #geneticDrift #geneticVariation #taxa #clade #Paraphyletic
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