Black Sabbath - Ironman on home made bottle bass guitar

This is me playing Ironman by Black Sabbath on my home made bass guitar. It is a two-string fretless one made out of a water cooler bottle and a piece of wooden board. The mechanics are from an Ibanez electric guitar. The strings are the A and the D string tuned down to E and A. Me and a couple of friends made this bass guitar while drunk and bored. It is now about 5 years old and has survived several festivals and bonfire nights of jamming. One can also hit people with it without breaking it. :) I plan on making it into a four string soon. I also have thought about putting frets on it, but I havn’t yet found out how to do that and what to make the frets from. Please bare with me if I made some mistakes while playing. It isn’t the easiest thing to play on. But feel free to comment. Cheers :)
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