Best Scary Videos of 2022 MEGA Compilation! (Part 2)

In a year largely defined by fear and frights, these are the scariest videos that managed to provide haunts and delights. Horror is a genre that stands on pushing the boundaries of one of the most primal and inherent human emotions: fear. The category’s penchant for toying with our most deep-seated anxieties and visceral dreads might make it, for some, a strange one to explore in 2022, with the world still reeling from the very real, panic-inducing events currently happening. Yet, deep down, we all love watching scary videos. The stimulation — both mental and physical — that horror provides is second to none, not even to the adrenaline fueled activities of the likes of paraskiing and freediving! With that, in today’s upload, I bring you a collection of creepy videos that represent the best horror offerings of this surreal year, each of which, in its own way, is capable of absolutely freaking you beyond your wits! Here’s the best scary videos of 2022 mega compilation part 2! The entries
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