[AMV] ❝I want you close.❞ || Rocketshipping

HD BECAUSE THESE TWO HAVE TO BECOME CANON! *drops* PLEASE HELP ME FILL THIS Yaay, look people I finished an MMV, like my first project since ageees 8D. Idk how this idea happened but I just thought it was cute and well I really like this song xD Some people may know it from a Yuri mep (which will be in the description under the point inspirations) but I dont give fuck, it fits them XD But maybe only because of my own otp fangirling... Well nevermind XD This was made in freaking 16 days. I’m not sure if you can call that fast or not... I think it’s not. And only for a bit picture editing shizz holy 84 layers kinda shocked me a lot hehe xDD BUUUUT I FIGURED OUT SOME NICE NEW TYPO EFFECTS MAYBE YOU NOTICED THEM. But the ending is so rushed, I failed so hard oh my XD At least my ninja computer only took 6 minutes to render it. Weird since it needed half an hour to render the Take A Chance sign-up? XD Btw in this video you can see some o
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