David Attenborough Meets The Rarest Animal in the WORLD! | "The Last of His Kind" | Nature Bites

Lonesome George is the last of his kind, a Pinta Island species of the giant Galapagos tortoises. David Attenborough tells his extraordinary story as two legends meet, just a few weeks before Lonesome George’s death... Lonesome George was a male Pinta Island tortoise and the last known individual of the species. In his last years, he was known as the rarest creature in the world. George serves as an important symbol for conservation efforts in the Galápagos Islands and throughout the world. From David Attenborough’s Galapagos, Season 1 Episode 1, “Origin“: Sir David Attenborough travels to the Galapagos, charting the archipelago’s explosive rise from the ocean millions of years ago and looking at its unique wildlife. In the first episode, David Attenbourgh discovers the plants, animals and landscape of the 16 Galagapos isles. Welcome to Nature Bites the OFFICIAL Nature Hub Channel. Bringing you closer to the remarkable animals that inhabit our natural world.
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