Wonderful - have you seen the drawings of that cemetery before #pharaonic_history

#discover_in_history Tomb of Nebamun - 18th Dynasty The Lost Tomb of Nebamun was an ancient Egyptian tomb from the Eighteenth Dynasty in the Theban Necropolis on the west bank of the Nile at Thebes (present-day Luxor) in Egypt. The tomb was the source of a number of famous decorated tomb scenes The tomb’s location was not revealed at the time of its discovery to maintain secrecy during a period of competition between excavators and was since lost. Stylistically, the magnificent wall paintings can be dated to either the final years of the reign of Amenhotep III (1390–1352 .) or the early years of his successor. Nebamun, who lived around 1350 BCE, was a middle-ranking official scribe and grain counter at the temple complex in Thebes. His tomb was discovered around 1820 Nebamun himself was buried beneath the floor of the innermost room of the tomb chapel in a hidden burial chamber. The beautiful paintings, which decorated the wall, showed how Nebamun wanted his life to be rem
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