SACRIFICIAL LAMB by RecD (ft. Grace Hartman) - Amanda The Adventurer FAN SONG WITH LYRICS

Amanda The Adventurer and Wooly are here to sing for you - but Wooly doesn’t want you sticking around. What’s he hiding? Will you stay the course to learn it? SHOULD you stay the course to learn it? Aw yeah, gettin back into originals again! I watched a ton of Dora the Explorer to make this song not only a tribute to ATA but to the show it’s based on as well, and put countless hours into making it the best I could - I hope you enjoy! Buy on Bandcamp RIGHT NOW: Stream/Buy Everywhere Else SOON: Twittter: Patreon: Discord: Written, Composed, Arranged and Edited by RecD Amanda voiced by Grace Hartman: Wooly and Chorus voiced by RecD Artists: Tiny1708: Sakaruchibi: MiwwieUWU: ChicaBonBon: DoodleDX: Biposi Gardener: CharliChu: Michael: Tato: Fossil: Thumbnail by MugiMikey: Amanda the Adventurer owned by MangledMAW Games & Published by DreadXP Games Special thanks to @Jakeneutron for lending me the Fog effect from Don’t Listen and giving input as the song developed! AND ALSO HELPING ME RELEASE MY FIRST SONG ON DIGITAL MUSIC PLATFORMS I WAS TERRIFIED LMAO Produced by Avantika Mishra
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