Ten Year Old Has Giant Neck Tumour: Body Bizarre Episode 1

Ten Year Old Has Giant Neck Tumour: Body Bizarre Episode 1 SUBSCRIBE: A BOY of ten with a giant growth on his neck could be cured after being prescribed VIAGRA. Jose Serrano’s threatening growth threatens to stop him breathing by putting pressure on his windpipe. Surgeons are desperate to operate but it will not be safe until the cystic growth -- known as a lymphangioma -- is smaller. And viagra, which is most famous for helping male impotence, has been discovered to shrink the growths in children. Jose, from Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, is now taking the medicine in the hope he will one day be able to live life as a normal boy. For more amazing footage of the amazing side of life, visit the Like Barcroft TV on Facebook: Follow Barcroft TV on Twitter: Barcroft Media website:
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