The Middle East - Creator and the Center of the Civilization from 12,000 BC to the 7th century AD

▶ Adolf Hitler based the idea of superiority of the Nordics, that is, the Northern European subrace, on the fact that their ancestors were the creators of civilization on earth - among other topics, he created the organization “Ahnenerbe“ (ancestral heritage) to study this topic. In fact, the Nordic sub-race did not contribute to the creation of civilization on Earth. Who exactly were the sub-races of the Caucasoid race that created all the fundamental branches of civilization and made all the great revolutionary transitions in human history? These were the Near Eastern and Southern European subraces: Mtebid, Pontid, Anatolid, Armenid, Assyroid, Egyptid, Littorid, Baskid, Proto-Iranid, Iranid, Arabid, Eastern Alpinid, Mediterraneanid, Trans-Mediterraneid, and gracial Mediterranid. The most important revolutionary transitions in the history of mankind were: Neolithic revolution, beginning of agriculture (Middle East); Beginning of Urbanization (Middle East); Beginning of the Copper Age (Middle East); Beginning of the Bronze Age (Middle East); Beginning of the Iron Age (Middle East); Invention of the first money and monetization of the economy (Middle East); creation of the first civilization (Middle East); Creation of the first states (Middle East); Creation of the first scripts (Middle East). Only basic revolutionary transitions are mentioned here. A separate issue is that it was the Middle Easterners who domesticated the vast majority of domesticated animal species, they bred the vast majority of fruit and vegetable species, and almost everything that we are familiar with on the daily bases and on which humanity is based, was created by the Middle Easterners. Europe, and in particular the Nordic world, has advanced only in the last 2 or 3 centuries, and mostly since the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1800s. And the dark ages ended in the 15th century because the renaissance began in southern Europe and Europe in general because Constantinople was captured by the Turks in 1453 and the local elite, philosophers, artists, sculptors, scribes and scholars migrated to Italy. After which they dragged Europe out of the swamp of intellectual, moral and technological decline of the dark ages. ▶ Civilization was born in the Northern Middle East, and this region was considered the center of civilization on Earth continuously for about 120 centuries. From 12,000 BC to 400 BC. After that, the Greco-Roman world became culturally equal to the Middle east - as a result of communion with it. After the spread of Islam, from the 7th century AD onwards, the northern Middle East gradually declined culturally, engulfed in endless bloodshed and wars. As a result, it is still considered a peripheral and underdeveloped region on Earth, despite the fact that a large number of energy carriers (oil, gas, etc.) have been discovered in this area in the 20th century. Soundtrack: Georgian Folk Music from the Historical Region of Tusheti - Tushetian Melodies;
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