SNSD - The Boys (areiacreations dubstep remix)

Remix MP3: Remix MP3 Instrumental: To be released after competition deadline So me and Chris wanted to do some dubstep and we picked up the newly released SNSD’s song The boys for our sweet victim. After the first day’s experiments we uploaded a teaser and the feedback was really positive. Then we found out about SM’s remix competition. Dubstep is not the most popular genre really so normally we would go with an electro house or standard club remix but we already had this very promising work so we decided to keep it going that way. We hope SM and all of you guys like it, despite being quite violent at points; after all it’s dubstep we’re talking about. This is pretty much the last work coming from the Corfu studio for this month and I’m going back to Korea on 17th of November so expect more work coming from then and on. Besides thanx to your support and donations I can give myself the chance to be a full-time musician. Love you all
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