Far Cry - Cooler (Инкубатор), уровень #13

Прохождение игры Far Cry, уровень №13 - Cooler (Инкубатор) 📢 Полное прохождение игры Far Cry 1 2004 FIX ошибки текстур - FIX ошибки Critical Exception - Русификаторы (подходят для любой версии) - Сохранения, сейвы - Скриншоты - FAQ по игре, проблемы и их решение - You must now find Valerie. Go to the laboratory, the door at the end is locked - you will need to enter a card. You will find her next to the machine gun in the next corridor. Then past the room with the holographic image of the monster and into the door to the left (save). Along the corridor and to the right, you will come out to the installation in which a cyborg is floating, entangled in wires and pipes. Climb up and head to the door on the right, then past the sign “sub level 1“ (save). To the left (security), press the switch that activates the elevator. Then, past the room with the next hologram, and to the main elevator, he will lower you down. Run through the rooms and corridors, past the “sub level 3“ inscription on the wall, and up the large staircase. Go down to the room with four tanks and turn the valve on the far wall. The water level will begin to rise, and then you can swim into the hole in the ceiling. There, get out into the ventilation, go through several half-flooded rooms, open the door and save Valeria from the monsters. Doyle will issue further instructions. 🔥🔥🔥
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