2011 - Pillar of Fire Appears In Egypts Sinai Desert.

During The Egyptian Protests A Pipe Line Reportedly Exploded Creating A Very Large Pillar of Fire In The Northern Sinai Peninsula. Also Noted: Gross Darkness Reportedly Fell On Egypt After The Egyptian Government Used California Based Technology And Magical Internet Kill Switches To Create Mass Media Black Outs. The Pharaoh of Egypt ’President Hosni Mubarak’ Has Reportedly Stepped Down From The Throne To Watch The Red Sea Part At ’Sharm Al Sheikh’ A Sinai Desert Land Mass Parting The Red Sea Between The Gulf of Suez & The Gulf of Aqaba In The Middle East. Also Featured In This Video Is The Great Seal of Thomas Jefferson With Scenes From The Exodus That Include The Red Sea Crossing And A Pillar of Fire Which Reportedly Appeared In The Sinai Desert Thousands of Years Ago InAsMuchAs History Repeating Itself With Echoes of The Things That Were & Are & Shall Be Born Again. In Lights & Reflections Note Thomas
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