Chinese (Mandarin) Advanced Lesson 1--Chinese Tongue Twister- 四是四 十是十

Hi guys, why not give this tongue twister a go?- challenge yourself, challenge friends & family and improve pronounciation the fun way! Hi everyone, thanks for listening to my channel 大家好,欢迎收听我的Chinese (Mandarin) Channel. Dàjiā hǎo, huānyíng shōutīng wǒ de Chinese (Mandarin) Channel. So today, let’s learn a tongue twister! 今天呢,我们来学一段绕口令吧! Jīntiān ne, wǒmen lái xué yīduàn ràokǒulìng ba! This tongue twister is about four and ten. 这段绕口令是和四和十有关系. Zhè duàn ràokǒulìng shì hé sì hé shí yǒu guānxì. Four is fou
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