SMBX2 Custom NPCs Piranha & Billet Bill Blaster Plants

Super Mario Bros. X2 Custom NPCs • Piranha & Billet Bill Blaster Plants Mario Forever Green Bullet Bills I decided to share a pack including Mario Forever Piranha Plants, Bullet Bill Blaster Plants, and also Mario Forever Green Bullet Bills which chases up/down (if NPC is horizontal) or left/right (if NPC is vertical) to the player. The idea to make Green Bullet Bills from the Mario Forever game was completely mine, and in my opinion no one had done it before, I made this script from scratch, and then through crutches I set up chasing to the player and animation (since there were bugs with the vertical NPC with animation, and I fixed them). As for Piranha Plants, I did not find a normal script for Volcano Piranha Plants on the forum. The script from MrDoubleA is not the one I need, and in the script from Litchh only one direction of the Volcano Piranha Plant, and that is the replacement for the SMBX64-NPC Venus Fly Trap. And in project of episode Bowsers Time Attack by 1230m 1, the script by Core is buggy, for which I made a normal script on Volcano Piranha Plants, and it will also be used in my Sand Dunes level. The Piranha Plants script was not written from scratch, I copied the Piranha Plants script from MrDoubleA, and edited it so that Volcano Piranha Plant would shoot exactly like Mario Forever, also the Piranha Plants library is for Bullet Bill Blaster Plants, I created a separate setting in . I also fixed a bug with NPC invulnerability when hidden in a pipe, although also through crutches (through ). I can’t help but mention Volcano Piranha Heads (which stand still and shoot, they are also in Mario Forever), initially I made them as NPCs, but NPCs was disappearing, and I decided to make Piranha Heads as blocks, there I created a script like despawn timer so that they shoots only when they are on the frame, and that worked. I also made it so that when a fireball touches a player in a Hammer Suit shell or in a red boot, the fireball is extinguished SMBX2 (Super Mario Bros. X) Beta 4: NPCs Pack by me (LooKiCH): Music Ground Section: Sonic: After the Sequel - For Foliage Furnace Act 2 - Smokey Bear Says Snow Section: Turret 3471 - Sonic Mania - Ice Cap Zone (orig. from Sonic 3)
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