2021’s GALACTIC SUPER BOOST: Earth’s Alignment With The GALACTIC CENTER + The Waxing Half Moon

Every year a couple days prior to summer solstice planet Earth receives a galactic upgrade. We’re speaking of the moment when Earth is in perfect alignment with the center of our galaxy, Sagittarius A, the Central Sun, which presently is located at 27° 09’ Sagittarius. This latest reboot of JUNE 18 has been exceptionally powerful. This prominently shows itself by two facts, that first this reboot occurred just a couple minutes after the Moon - following a Solar eclipse - was at its most Yang placement in the 30-day soli-lunar cycle - with this waxing half Moon representing “crisis in action“; and secondly this galactic reboot manifested when in Greenwich, UK, the Sun just had risen over the Eastern horizon - thus loudly proclaiming that 2021’s galactic reboot is heralding a great new beginning.
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