Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu - Sanskrit Mantra for Happiness & Freedom from Suffering

This Sanskrit prayer (sloka) and Shanti mantra express the universal spirit found within all beings. By chanting this mantra, we move from our personal selves to radiate a prayer of love for the world around us. We let go of the ego and its limited world views, and radiate well-being around us. It is a reminder that we are a part of the universe and can positively impact all of creation. English Translation: May all beings be happy and free from suffering. May my thoughts, words, and actions contribute to others in a way that brings peace, happiness, and freedom. Lokah - All the universe existing now, known and unknown. Samasta - Every being in the whole universe. Sukhino - Happiness, joy, and freedom from suffering. Bhav - The divine mood or state of unified existence Antu - An ending word that means “it must be so/ may it be so”. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu - Sanskrit Mantra for Happiness & Freedom from Suffering
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