How to Acrylic Pour with Glue / Elmer’s Glue-All / PVA Glue - Acrylic Pouring for Beginners w/ glue

Quick and easy walkthrough on how to acrylic pour with glue. Besides paint, pouring mediums are the the most expensive part of paint pouring. By doing your acrylic pours with Elmer’s Glue-All, you can save money and still create some pretty amazing artwork. It doesn’t hurt that you can find glue for a lot less then professional pouring mediums and it’s available in places like Lowe’s, Home Depot, Walmart, and your local craft stores. We do not recommend you use clear glue or school glue as they have much less binder and are made to more easily clean up with water. Even adding a little water to those glues make them breakdown and become unusable for paint pouring. Do your acrylic paint pouring with a PVA glue or white glue like Elmer’s Glue-All. In this video I will walk through the steps to mixing your glue-based pouring medium. We mix 5 different colors of paint and use them for to pour a flip cup, a flip cup with silicone, and an straight pour. You’ll want to see
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