Palestine and the U.S. War Drive with the International Action Center

Veteran anti-imperialist Sara Flounders from The International Action Center and Bronx community leader Richie Marino join us tonight to discuss the ongoing genocidal campaign of violence and hermitically-sealed blockade of Gaza. Both leaders of Workers World will discuss the censorship our movement is facing in a historical context i.e. the censorship now vs the pro-war climate of 1982 during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the 1991 U.S. murderous invasion of Iraq etc. Richie and the institute will hear more from Sara about her recent trip as part of a delegation to Egypt to pressure the Sisi dictatorship to allow more aid into Gaza. Sara will also share more about her time in the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan and Iran, all countries under crippling U.S. sanctions.
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