Boots the squeaking cat!

My cat refuses to meow. But it’s adorable that he squeaks! Update Sept 2023: If your comment has “Maxwell“ in it, I’m deleting it. I don’t care that Boots looks like another cat. I uploaded this video in 2014, predating Maxwell by a couple of years. I’ve tried to keep up with a lot of the comments but for some reason this video has gone slightly viral (100K views in 30 days) and subsequently about 300 more comments, with an average of 10-15 per day that I get notified on my phone for. I enjoy interacting with you guys in the comments and I’m glad the memory of my cat brings joy to people. This is from a comment I posted earlier this year: The last time I saw Boots was in June of 2015. My ex contacted me in 2020 after the divorce and after having had zero contact with me for 5 years. She explained Boots’ poisoning and deteriorating health and sent me the last picture she took of him alive. The divorce decree didn’t specify pets, but there was a 2nd cat my ex previously had, so the idea was to leave the two together, with the chance of me taking Boots if my ex got another cat. It never happened. It pains me to have not had Boots, but separating him from his friend would have been worse I assume. He showed up on our doorstep after a military family abandoned him and we took him in, back in 2009. He was young, but old enough to be neutered, so we knew someone had him as a pet and he wasn’t a stray.
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