How I Learned Ukrainian

🔥 Learn languages like I do with LingQ: CC subtitles available in English. Ukrainian was my third Slavic language after Russian and Czech. Relationships between languages of the same language family are interesting. Discovering the individual histories and cultures behind these languages is a major motivator. 0:00 A love for the mixing of cultures is what brought me to Ukrainian. 1:47 Learning about Ukraine through politics and current events. 4:53 How I started learning Ukrainian. 8:11 How my interest in following the news super charged my Ukrainian language learning. 10:04 Starting to speak Ukrainian. 11:08 My visit to Ukraine. 16:08 Ukrainian refugees and residents can access LingQ free of charge. 17:12 The unique way I worked with a Ukrainian tutor while visiting Lviv. ___ Study a language on LingQ: Study this video as a lesson on LingQ: My Podcast: Soundclo
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